Thursday, August 8, 2013

Emo Girl Clothes

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Emo Scene Fashion

Emo subculture is one of the youngest youth subcultures and most growing in the world of young people. The term Emo has already appeared in the eighties in the United States and was used to determine one type of punk subculture. The present shape of this phenomenon was formed in the early twenty-first century.
Emo can be subsumed under the counterculture, because the appearance was a kind of protest against the materialistic and vulgar American rappers lifestyle. According to Emo, culture is not their lifestyle but rather a state of mind. Real Emo is a person rather depressive and introverted, closed in itself, considering that nobody in the world is able to understand his existential pain-except, of course, other Emo. For days, they ruminate about death and suicide, write poetry and spend their free time together, hugging and creating short-term relationships with each other. Sometimes, to relieve negative emotions they make cuts on the body with razor blades. They do not hide their sexual orientation and bisexuality among them does not surprise anybody. Because of that matter, Emo are oftem people from mostly well-off families and around them huge clothing and gadget industry was developed.

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Emo Dress Up

Emo fashion has changed dramatically over a period of time and is prevalent mostly among teenagers. It has been described as a perfect outlet for fickle teens trying on personalities. Gothic and punk cultures have a great influence on Emo fashion. Some people wrongly consider emo to follow the common goth look - "chalky white faces, black eyes, lips and clothing." Numerous articles describe the fashion as similar to goth, but more fluffy and sugar-coated by taking basic gothic fashion, (skulls, crosses, too much eyeliner, etc), making it tighter, and adding stripes of colour.
Emo fashion use to be more "nerdy" with defining characteristics like greasy black hair, thick black rimmed glasses and a tight dull-coloured v-neck sweater from grandpa's wardrobe. [see picture top right]
Nowadays emo fashion has evolved and is considered trendier, especially what is now considered as "scene". However, Emo fashion still can be characterised as distinctly non-fashionable. Emo individuals perceive themselves to be outcasts and dress accordingly so as to avoid any appearance of attempting conformity. The emo look has now become considerably widespread and popular in today's society.

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Emo Pictures

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